Now what? It’s the 6-months-in question you should be asking yourself.

We’re 6 months in. Since September 1st, you’ve heard this repeatedly.

Consider other times you were 6 months in – to a new job, a new project, a new relationship. At 6 months in, you would have a good idea about the future. In a new job or project, you would have a routine. In a new relationship, you would be comfortable. Now, though, being 6 months in doesn’t have to be just about solidifying your routine and being comfortable, as important as both are. It doesn’t have to be just about treading water. It doesn’t have to be just about maintaining work – it can be about something more. It can be about growing – and not just flexing your recently-acquired technology muscles on Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Blackboard Collaborate, Canvas, Skype, Mediasite, Handshake, and Google Docs. (LinkedIn already won your heart and mind, of course.) It can be about asking yourself questions – and not just those structural questions related to your work practices, like how to record and upload videos. It can be about asking the BIG QUESTIONS in your life. Yes, step away now from your much-needed-and relied-upon technology for a moment or two.

When I think about prompting change – in ourselves or in our organizations – COURAGE is the first word that comes to mind. Maya Angelou once said, “Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.” I agree.

For the we’re-6-months-in-now-what-do-we-do question, I have an answer: Reflect. Have the courage to ask yourself real questions:
• First, how are you doing? What strengths and character virtues are you relying on now more than ever? How does that make you feel? Strong? Depleted? You need to get real and be honest with yourself.
• Second, are you using your greatest strengths and talents every day? If not, what skills and qualities are you using? How can you intentionally incorporate your strengths and talents into your day-to-day life?
• Third, what meaning are you deriving from your roles? Consider personal and professional roles. How can you derive more meaning? Ultimately, and here’s where courage really comes in, has this pandemic opened your eyes to other things – other ways of doing your work or other work itself – that could provide meaning?
• Fourth, and yes, I’ve been leading up to this question: Is this the way you want to spend your precious time?

We’re 6 months in. Now what? It’s time to think about it.

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